ski racer going around gates

Giant Slalom Finale

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Giant Slalom Finale

Date & Location: April 9th, 2019 — Race to be held on Extrovert off the Sugarloaf Lift. Conditions permitting

Make-up dates for weather postponement: TBA

No substitutes

You may load Sunnyside lift at 7:30 am for course inspection

The race will start promptly at 8:45 am, with the last racer to leave the gate by 10:30 am

The success of the race depends on everyone's help with course maintenance

Start order determined by reversing the top 10 from each league, then by random draw

Start order
1. Alpine A Women
2. Alpine A Men
3. Tele Women
4. Tele Men
5. Alpine B Women
6. Alpine B Men

Start list will be handed out as you load the lift the morning of the race. If you miss your start you will run at the end of your league.

Check the Race Hotline 801.799.2278 for updates

Party and awards ceremony TBD.